Powerful insights
driving investor returns
Quantitative dataset powering multi-asset allocation & risk analysis
Request a demoOur Solutions
Premialab Platform
Unique database of over 5,000 single and multi-asset strategies from the top 18 leading investment banks. Conduct pre-trade diligence, asset allocation, portfolio construction, and post-trade reporting.
Risk & Regulatory Reporting
Position-based risk to slice and dice complex exposures with stress tests, sensitivities, and VaR across asset classes and OTC derivatives. Streamlined regulatory processes to ensure reporting integrity.
Independent Price Verification
Daily index-level reconciliation using external price sources to independently verify the accuracy of the index NAV published by external strategy providers and bottom-up performance contribution analysis.
Pure Factors Model
Unprecedented multi-asset Premialab Pure Factors® model captures key market risk premia across asset classes, styles, and regions. Factor decomposition across both long-only and alternatives.
Our Ecosystem
Leading global investment banks partnerships
Single and multi-asset strategies
Uncorrelated factors across all asset classes
AUM managed by our institutional clients
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