QIS Universe Screening
Easily screen, shortlist, and select managers or strategies and perform ongoing monitoring. With more than 5 million curated data points from 18 leading investment banks, updated daily on all asset classes, our extensive database streamlines data access by providing it in a uniform format, with consistent classification across strategy implementations. This allows you to focus on identifying performance engines matching your specific investment needs.
Portfolio Construction
Construct multi-asset portfolios to match investment objectives and simulate the impact of adding or removing various managers' strategies. Easily model cross-asset portfolio structures through an intuitive, multi-tiered modeling approach. Leverage flexible rebalancing options and constraints to match your target allocation objectives.
Simulate market views through conviction-based forecasting at all levels of the portfolio. Perform portfolio construction with advanced allocation techniques across investments, optimize portfolio diversification, and distribute risk budget across strategies.
Risk & Regulatory Reporting
Measure your portfolio allocation robustness through historical and transitive stress tests under multiple scenarios and market shocks, cross-asset sensitivities, and Value at Risk (VaR). With full transparency on positions, slice and dice your exposure with full repricing risk modeling to solve the most complex of cross-asset strategies with non-linear profiles. Risk reports are tailored to match institutional investors' needs, including compliance monitoring and regulatory reporting.
Take your strategy screening, portfolio analysis, and risk reporting to new heights of efficiency by utilizing a programmatic approach to access our extensive data universe. Our API enables the seamless integration of the Premialab platform with your existing systems and automates various workflows, including portfolio rebalancing, data warehousing, risk monitoring, and reporting.
Independent Price Verification
Navigate quantitative investment strategies confidently with our tailored Independent Price Verification (IPV) services. Access daily index-level reconciliation using external price sources to independently verify the accuracy of the index NAV published by strategy providers and facilitate performance contribution analysis. We ensure pricing accuracy, empowering institutional investors to make well informed decisions and improve regulatory compliance.

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